Canelo Buildings


Canelo Buildings

Over the years we have constructed a number of small buildings on our property as part of our workshops.

They all incorporate straw bale walls along with a fusion of clay and lime plasters, carvings, decorative sculpting and assorted natural materials.

We run Site Tours throughout the year where one can see all the Canelo Project buildings first-hand.

    Main House

    Guest House

    Strawbale Studio

    Poems Thumbnail



    Bunkroom Thumbnail



    Paint Shed

    Mandala Thumbnail

    Mandala Shed

    Wood Shop

    Bucket Shed Thumbnail

    Bucket Shed

    Class Area Thumbnail

    Class Area

    Compound Thumbnail

    Don Juan's Compound

    Bike Shed Thumbnail

    Bike Shed

    Outdoor Kitchen

    Outdoor Toilets Thumbnail

    Outdoor Toilets

    Outdoor Shower


    Portable Strawbale

    Tiny House Thumbnail

    Tiny House

    timberframe Thumbnail

    Timberframe Shop