European Teaching Tour – June and early July, 2013
Over the past year or so I’ve been trying to juggle/understand the process of how one manages the digital world of the internet, social media, blog and writing with the larger, all inclusive world beyond computer. Luckily I have plenty of things that pull me away from a sedentary desk-oriented life, whether it be our place in the country (endless work) and the kinds of teaching and hands-on projects we get involved doing.
Recently I’ve been giving thought to how to make my blog, the social media such as Facebook and writing/photography fit together so that they are not in competition time-wise. For example, I love the expediency of Facebook for its ability to make short statements or post images, the feedback is quick and immediate. I haven’t seen the necessity to use any of the other platforms such as Google+. The limitation is that it doesn’t reach a lot of folks that my blog does. I do love the blog format for writing, but when things get busy with hands-on projects, there isn’t sufficient time to sit down and write something in depth, especially if I’m working on another writing project as I am now – stories of my last 25 years in northern Sonora.
I’m telling you all this because I’ve just been able to set up my blog so that the posts go directly to our Canelo Project page in Facebook. Today’s post is the test run to see how that works. Thanks to Anastacia Guitierrez, web and app designer extraordinaire, for having set this up. Using this approach, my posts should be much shorter than in the past. Next I’m going to try using the blogging format that is offered as an app with my iPad and how that looks compared to my computer. That has immediate interest for me in that we’ll be spending the month of June and early July teaching in Europe and I would prefer to only carry my iPad with me.
European Workshop Tour 2013, Germany, Spain (aka Basque country, France.
Therefore, I want to give you our schedule so that if you need a vacation or you are already in Europe and would like to attend one of the workshops, here’s the dates and contact information. The courses will include Clay Wall Finishes and Techniques – Sculptural wall decoration – Plaster carvings and by popular demand, “easy to build†Clay Ovens
Berlin, Germany – June 3 to June 8, contact Uta Herz “” <>
Arbizu, Spain – June 17 – 23, contact Susanna Sureda <>
Bergerac, France – June 30 – July 5, contact Sara Daniels  <>

I’m probably missing out not using facebook but since I don’t have any friends and no one likes me it’s easy to stay away. I leave facebook to Satomi who everyone likes. Just kidding of course, not everyone likes Satomi…..
We’re in the same boat Lander my friend, hold true for Athena in my case, but everyone likes her.
Great idea! Just to let you know, the FB button link you have on the right of this page doesn’t work. The colon has been omitted from the url.
thanks Jyoti, will fix it.
Do you have info on the Bergerac workshop in French that I could send to my family in France. I as born and raised in France and spent some of my summers near Bergerac. Beautiful country and great foods
CJ – that would be
Bill – what a great summer for all of you in Europe – I’m jealous and hope to find a reason to meet you there. If that doesn’t work, maybe you can fly thru Chicago and come visit us! Best! Phil
See you there