
timberframe Thumbnail

Timber Framing: Building Without Nails

Canelo Project, AZ
$1200 (inc. all meals)

Workshop details

Traditional Timber Framing in New Zealand

Kerikeri, New Zealand
$1200 NZD (inc. meals)
With Benito Steen
Workshop is full with waiting list

Workshop details

Clay Wall Carving in New Mexico

Arenas Valley, NM
with Athena Steen & Danielle Felgenhauer
Workshop is full with waiting list

Workshop details

Cultivating Sustainable Landscapes

Canelo Project, AZ
$300 (inc. lunches)
with Jack Dash

Workshop details

Form and Function: Natural Building Design

Canelo Project, AZ
$650 (inc. meals)
with Athena Steen & Maggie Kloote
Workshop is full with waiting list

Workshop details

Building with Straw Comprehensive

Canelo Project, AZ
$1100 (inc. meals)

Workshop details

Private & Off-Site Workshops

Want to host a workshop? Need help figuring out a mix using your local clay? Want to have someone check over your plans? We are available.

Workshop details